A good king ruled a peaceful and prosperous nation. The king kept a bright fire burning in a tall watchtower, at a corner of his castle, as a sign to everyone that he was a great and powerful sovereign. Soldiers were charged with keeping the fire stoked, using, as fuel, timber from across the king’s domain. The radiance of the tower flame was so bright it could be seen for many miles in the day, and many more at night. The people regarded it as the Watchtower Star. Of all the treasures the king … [Read more...]
Golden Traces
Golden Traces by Andy Bozeman To-ing and fro-ing among deep, Southern shadows of frond and scented petal, Tracing cold fire through mottled, leafy veil, leaning against a warm blue sky, Cooling, as the heat of day spends its last, saved glow of sunshine, Fireflies leave golden traces, Rising up with lazy paces, Upward toward the starry places, Where waits the glow of astral lights, Inviting all into the heights, To play a shimmering game, When one glistening point cannot be told from … [Read more...]