You can read any story here for FREE – no sign-up, no log-in, simply free. These stories are my way of having fun. Some are comments about the life of writing; some are concepts for future ‘big’ stories; and some are just me going waaayyy out on a limb. Either way, I want you out there with me. Reach for a free story, below, and Enjoy!
Sometimes a story has to be flagged as non-fiction because just calling it a story doesn’t do it justice. Sometimes non-fiction is very serious, other times not so much.

If there’s a job to do, but no one ever does it, will it ever get done? When no one checks for errors, and those errors escape into the wild, can they ever be corralled back again? For example: I draw house plans. I use a computer, now, but years ago, plans were drawn by […]
Mean Ol’ Uncle John
I should’ve written this forty years ago, because that’s when I thought of it. Anyway, it’s here, now. One of my family members was Uncle John. Uncle John raised four boys. Their ages ranged from the same as mine to a decade older. I liked all the boys, but I did not like Uncle John. […]

Not For This
My father fought in World War II. He was the radio operator on a B-17 bomber. Actually, it was three B-17 bombers. Though there were successful missions in between, all three planes went down. The first was hit after the target was bombed. Consecutive anti-aircraft bursts almost cut the plane in half from end to […]

Roberta’s Pyramid
She believed that if she positioned a certain part of her body at a specific point inside the pyramid, all the powers of the universe, cosmic and spiritual, would condense to create an irrepressible psycho-physiological, hormonal rush, ending in a much sought after finale. When she said, “I’m hiring you to find that spot,” […]
Short Stories
Some of these are true, some are partially made-up, some are outright fabrications. It doesn’t really matter as long as they’re fun to read. Whenever I think you need to know the truth of a matter, I’ll say so…maybe.

Just to tease you mercilessly, here are the working titles of some of my stories in progress. Subscribe at the very bottom of this page, and be notified, as they are added. Working – Free Reads The Personal Integrity Oath Anne Two Point Oh The Little Black Card The Bushhog Fly-By Roberta’s Pyramid – Part […]
BLAMED IN MY OWN BACKYARD – OR – IT CAME FROM RIGHT NEXT DOOR A Story of Frustration By Andy Bozeman A while back, maybe a few weeks ago, I was in my own little corner in my own little yard with my own little family around me. We were having a cookout. Chicken and […]

Distracted Driving – Hidden Building Cost – No Recovery
This article is on loan from SETTING – It’s a dark and stormy night. A lull in the storm offers a chance for a man (his real name is Husband) to leave the sprawling building, where his office is located; and from which he is the last of the day-shift to exit. In front […]

If there’s a job to do, but no one ever does it, will it ever get done? When no one checks for errors, and those errors escape into the wild, can they ever be corralled back again? For example: I draw house plans. I use a computer, now, but years ago, plans were drawn by […]

Jesus Had a Secular Message, Too
Below is the Audio Companion for this article. The run-time is 00:06:26. Play it, read along, and enjoy. “It’s Christmas!” On this day, every year, ‘peace’ and ‘giving’ are celebrated, as the holiness of God and Christ, and the magic and fantasy of the Fairy Gomother are all mushed together into the secular form of Santa […]
Mean Ol’ Uncle John
I should’ve written this forty years ago, because that’s when I thought of it. Anyway, it’s here, now. One of my family members was Uncle John. Uncle John raised four boys. Their ages ranged from the same as mine to a decade older. I liked all the boys, but I did not like Uncle John. […]

Music of the Winter Pond
…I asked my grandmother, “What did you do when you were a little girl, and didn’t have TV or radio? How did you play?” She told me odds and ends about the games she played …. Then she added, “…but in Ireland, my great-grandfather use to play music with the ice on a pond.” […]

My Dad, His Church, and College Football
In case you’re reading this far in the future, this is Saturday January 3, 2015. It’s the end of the main week of college football bowl games. Auburn lost their bowl game. It’s also after the first game of the first playoff for college football – Alabama lost. I realize this is a sore subject and a moment of […]

Not For This
My father fought in World War II. He was the radio operator on a B-17 bomber. Actually, it was three B-17 bombers. Though there were successful missions in between, all three planes went down. The first was hit after the target was bombed. Consecutive anti-aircraft bursts almost cut the plane in half from end to […]
“Get out of the pack and go around the competition.” . I once watched an Olympic event, short-track ice skating. One particular skater was the favorite. According to the TV announcers, none of the other five skaters in the race even wanted to win. Their individual ranks would rise substantially, as long as she lost […]

PART 1 – RIVER DEEP For this story ‘River Deep’ equals ‘reckless decisions’ “We bought the seclusion,” she said. “It’s so peaceful,” he added. We’ll call them the Seclusion family. Their months-long search for a home site came to an end, when they found two acres in the back of a gated community. “We fell […]

Roberta’s Pyramid
She believed that if she positioned a certain part of her body at a specific point inside the pyramid, all the powers of the universe, cosmic and spiritual, would condense to create an irrepressible psycho-physiological, hormonal rush, ending in a much sought after finale. When she said, “I’m hiring you to find that spot,” […]

Subscribe as a follower, at the bottom-left of the page, so you can stick with the story. Windy Branch has trekked to Beam Town from way out in the sticks to find work, any job that will pay enough wooden nickels to stem the eminent clearing of her parent’s ranch – stick horses. She meets […]

Thankful for All the Wrong Things? Yep.
It’s Thanksgiving Day. The dark days of the past few years have made it difficult to think of an obvious thing for which to be thankful. Prosperity and Security? Not so much; Good will toward men and back again? Are you kiddin’ me?; A home nation dedicated with one mind to the social balancing of […]

Thirteen Two Sentence Ghost Stories
Let’s start with some extras. EXTRA EXTRA-FREE BONUS FRIGHTS Legion [ from my upcoming novel, Cross Eyed] – Once called the Son of Lucifer, he tried to make a deal, and outsmart the Son of God, but it went badly, causing endless embarrassment, and only served to make him the laughingstock of Hell, and to […]

Time Travel Stories in Two Sentences
These are Time Loop Stories in Two Sentences. They’re Already Written, But Maybe Not Yet, Or Maybe So. or An Uncertain Number of Self-Propagating Time Loop Stories in Two Sentences. Get it? Writing – I’m going to write a story about a time loop. I’m going to write a story about a time loop. […]
Watchtower Star
A good king ruled a peaceful and prosperous nation. The king kept a bright fire burning in a tall watchtower, at a corner of his castle, as a sign to everyone that he was a great and powerful sovereign. Soldiers were charged with keeping the fire stoked, using, as fuel, timber from across the king’s […]
Random Thoughts and One-Liners
My mind won’t stop. Creativity is not “ideas on demand,” it’s more like, “ideas no matter what.” I write down the bits of thought, the sand-grains of ideas – pieces of imagination that might be used, puzzle-style, to build a story. Sometimes an idea is the story, and the bits and grains around it become the supporting players.
A Man Without
This is a snippet from a short story in progress. Enjoy. [….“I have never diddled my housekeeper,” he stressed, answering the prosecutor’s accusation. “I’m diddle-less,” he continued. “Maybe that’s who Daedalus was,” he teased with the homophone – “a man whose name we still don’t know – simply an unnamed man, and like me – […]

Autumn and Summer
It’s September First on the calendar, but I don’t think Nature’s looking. The rains last week made everything grow. The recent heat dried it all out again. This morning saw an Autumn dawn. The temperature was cool like Fall, the air had the scent of dried leaves, again like Fall, yet that crisp aroma is […]
This comes from my short story in progress, Divinae Bovinae. The ex-husband outlived his unfaithful wife and all her illicit lovers. At her funeral the minister asked if anyone could offer a few words of cheer about her, not mournful, but more like a blessing. This stumped all those in the chapel who had already put […]
Happiness May Be Found…..
Happiness may be found, not from serving yourself with what others need, but from serving others, and being needed. – AB

My Fortune Counts Too Fast
I went to the bank to cash a check given to me as payment for scouting a homesite for a client, $150. My job routinely takes me all over the four nearest counties. The shortest routes to two of them require crossing either of two toll bridges, so I always need dollar bills for toll-bridge […]

No Less Strong
“You’re no less strong if you tear-up just a little when you sit naked on a barbed wire fence.” The ‘fence’ could be grief, It could be pain, It could be loss, It might even be real barbed wire. The point is : We are naked to the entire world, So, when bad ‘stuff’ happens, […]

Optimism of Age
In a matter of months my mother will celebrate her 100th birthday. A recent visitor asked, “Mrs. Bozeman, you’re almost a hundred. Do you feel old?” With no hesitation my mother answered, “Not really…after all it’s just my first hundred.”

Recipe : Make A Good Bavarian Crème
I was on a local talk show – no big deal, maybe three people saw it. The two guests included myself and a local chef. The chef was, without question, an expert at his craft, but he knew it. You know the type. A personality flaw gave him license to express opinions about everything , whether right or wrong – mostly […]
Storey Story
I write stuff. Each piece of stuff is a story. I also design houses. Each house has at least one storey. I distinguish the two with the ‘e’ after the ‘r.’ This is the standard spelling in every English speaking country except America. A ‘storey’ is defined as any level of a building (upper or […]

Stupid Auto-Correct
I’m writing a new story called SEX & DRUGS. It’s about a Hindu pharmacist from India who gets into trouble when…….wait a minute……. Stupid voice dictation auto-correct…. The title is SECTS & DRUGS. A Hindu pharmacist from India….. Oh, forget it. The moment’s gone. Go to my home page and buy a great story for […]

Three Tu’s
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ixth grade. 1965. School Superintendent Mr. McNeil visited the classroom as part of his routine inspection of county schools. He was amiable enough, and offered a good-natured challenge to the class. It’s written here, phonetically. He said, “Boys and girls, how would you write this sentence, ‘There are three tu’s in the English language.” …..Flash forward fifty-one […]
Too Personal, Yet Olympic!
There’s something I can do which has never been on my bucket list. In fact I never thought I had the ability – we’re talkin’ greatness. It didn’t become an apparent talent until I was sixty years old. So I must ask the question: Why isn’t snoring an Olympic event? At least then I could justify […]
Warning Heeded
I saw this on Facebook : Warning All Facebook accounts are being hacked and cloned. To avoid this you must stand naked on your kitchen table singing I WILL SURVIVE, while doing the Macarena. Only then will Mark Zukerberg travel down your chimney on a golden unicorn and present you with a blue token to protect […]
When I Write, I Wear…
When I write, I wear Leave-Me’s, because Lev-I is bad grammar. Go to my home page and buy a great story for fun reading – HERE. To read more free Andy Bozeman stories, GO TO THE STORY SHELF.
Novel Ideas

Captain of Ararat
In rural 1900’s Alabama two life-long best friends take divergent paths. One defends the law, the other defies it. Both love a woman. She bears a daughter to one. The other kills her, and believes he has killed the daughter.

Do You Remember the Field?
… he gave her in his poem the one thing that eased her distress, old age. But he didn’t stop there. His words included an imagined history of their time together. As death approached, … her gaze was clear, fixed on the face of her husband as, by the light of a single candle, he […]

A Little Late
Home building is not an activity well suited to procrastinators. Putting off important decisions about planning and building ( there are no UN-important ones ) is dangerous. To end up with a home that is right and ready you have to train yourself to think fast, and in-the-moment, but not like the guy in the following […]

A Song for My Country Funeral
About my life and all its strife : Some’s been real good, some’s been bereft, I’ve used up life, ’til none is left, When you and me becomes ‘not us,’ It’s no big deal, don’t make a fuss, I’ve had some fun, but when I’m done, Just throw me on the compost pile. -AB- Go to […]

America, How Beautiful !
This is what I believe about my country, and my place in it. This may be sung to the tune of America The Beautiful. [Invitation] America is beautiful, She’s holding many hearts. Each searching for the liberty Her majesty imparts. For every soul who starts the quest For life more fully lived, Her beacon glows, […]

This is on loan from, my home building and planning blog. They’re in the news, ….again. They’ve spread across the country using man-made highways. Wherever they go, disease and destruction goes, too. They’re coming for you. Here’s a few words to help you remember to be careful with… Armadillo by Andy Bozeman – © 2015 My […]

CREDITS This feature, THE SHEIKH’S NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS is directed, and produced by the author Andy Bozeman. ©1987 and ©2015, by the author, for the text and voice publication. Also, ©2015, by the author, for the Audio Book Recording. All music in this recording was composed and produced, and the copyrights are owned, by Jack Waldenmaier; and is available exclusively from ~~~ Below […]

I Don’t Know How It Is
I was just about to kiss her, when she said “write a song for me.” So, this is just for Debbie Harris. I Don’t Know How It Is by Andy Bozeman ©2016 first verse – freestyle, pp : In the quiet of the night, I stay awake and watch you sleep, Your hair is lying softly on […]

Surviving the 1st
Many years ago, some good friends, a married couple, invited me to celebrate their baby’s first birthday. But, the theme wasn’t so much about the baby, as it was their relief to have survived the first year as parents. I wrote this little poem as a reality check. Surviving the 1st by Andy Bozeman ©1986-2015 […]

Wedding Couple
My father was a Methodist minister. Whenever he performed a wedding ceremony for an older couple, marrying late in life, he liked to share a special poem. He learned it from an elderly mentor who also learned it from a succession of elderly mentors; and no one knows who wrote it. My father theorized its […]

When the Redbud Says Goodbye
By Andy Bozeman ©2015 Along a stony path I walked, Within a sunrise wood, A chilly morn said “Winter’s born” And, “Summer’s gone for good.” Lamenting Autumn’s lifted grasp, For green I scanned the wood, Yet, failing this, within the mist, A lonely Redbud stood. ~~ Alone, among the thorny briers, He raised his […]
Whether Weather
Whether Weather Whether weather’s hot, Whether weather’s rainly, Whether weather’s freezing cold, and very snowy, mainly, Whether weather’s calling for a downy, feather bed, Whether weather’s sweater weather, Weather’s weather’s all I’ve said.

CREDITS This feature, THE SHEIKH’S NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS is directed, and produced by the author Andy Bozeman. ©1987 and ©2015, by the author, for the text and voice publication. Also, ©2015, by the author, for the Audio Book Recording. All music in this recording was composed and produced, and the copyrights are owned, by Jack Waldenmaier; and is available exclusively from ~~~ Below […]

Jesus Had a Secular Message, Too
Below is the Audio Companion for this article. The run-time is 00:06:26. Play it, read along, and enjoy. “It’s Christmas!” On this day, every year, ‘peace’ and ‘giving’ are celebrated, as the holiness of God and Christ, and the magic and fantasy of the Fairy Gomother are all mushed together into the secular form of Santa […]